Wednesday, November 27, 2013

writting contest

By Sharon Eastman

How God Provides Protection when We Are Foolish


Horror struck me when I realized I was trapped in the rusty old car fleeing down the Hollywood Freeway. I started screaming as the man blocked me in this clunker’s seat, his right side obstructing the passenger’s door. His partner drove frantically securing the driver’s side. I was pathetically locked in this car not knowing where I was or who I was with. I prayed desperately knowing how God provides protection even when we are foolish.


It was the 1970s, the hippy era, and I had forsaken all my home grown Christian dogma and values. My friends and I looked to the popular Eastern religions and astronomy for spiritual direction. We all wore bell bottoms and poet tops, attended protest rallies, but, fortunately, refrained from illicit drug use. All we needed was love but not the agape kind God gives. We wanted thrills and excitement at any cost. We thought we were invincible.


I landed in this predicament by my own folly. Frank, my cousin, and I were walking down the Los Angeles’ Sunset Strip and began to hitch hike. A banged up old car stopped, and we naively entered it. The two men, who picked us up, had dark complexions and spoke in Spanish. When we asked to be freed, they released Frank but pushed me back into the car. My heart sank, and then my adrenaline glands began to work. My heart sky rocketed, and I thought, I knew that I was going to die.


“Senorita,” they asked as we zoomed down the road. “What’s your name?”


“Maria,” I lied in hysteria.


“Where’s the drugs?” they asked in broken English.


“I don’t know.”

“Liar!!!” and the passenger slapped me across the face.


I winced. Although I had asked Jesus into my life as a child, I asked fervently again. I knew the living God was the only one who could save me from this ordeal. I tried to remember a childhood inspirational Bible verse, but the only one I could remember was John 3:16. “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,” I screamed in my head and hummed “Jesus Loves Me” to calm my terrified soul.


My kidnappers came to a sudden halt in a dark and dreary neighborhood. They settled down feeling secure in their surroundings. Then, the passenger placed on black leather gloves and sneered at me.


At that frightful moment, the Holy Spirit (and my Superman glands) gave me the strength to push the driver forward and unlock his door. I escaped and ran screaming down the street to the safety of a busy pharmacy.


I called home, and Frank picked me up. “Halleluiah!” Frank exclaimed. “You’re safe!”


“Safe but shaken. Praise the Lord, who rescued and protected me!”


“We were so stupid. We’ll never hitch hike again.”


“Right on!” I said with relief and joy.


I really learned my lesson the hard way. God will provide protection even though we are foolish. The best thing is to never tempt God by Satan or stupidity.


How God provides protection is demonstrated in the scriptures. Jesus was sorely tempted by Satan to jump from the pinnacle of the temple. Jesus knew angels would and could save him. But, Jesus answered unto him . . .”It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” Luke 4:12 KJV. God will provide protection, but we must be sensible, too.


After my frightening hitch hiking experience, both, Frank and I, forsook the hippy crowd, returned to church, and are living our lives for the Lord. I cherish every moment of my life. I know I almost lost it, but God protected me. I appreciate all things – the dawn, the singing birds, and the twilight sunset. My favorite inspirational words are by Robert Louis Stevenson. “The world is so full of a number of things, I’m sure we should be as happy as kings.” And, Jesus alone holds the key to life and happiness.

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